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Hey, everyone.

I just realized it's been a moment since I released my last comic and I wanted to share what's coming next.

Witchy Ex-Girlfriend #3 is on the way right now, but it's not ready just yet. So I figured I'd share a few teaser images to give you an idea of what I've been working on. Sadly the dirty stuff is right at the end of this one, so I don't have that ready just yet. :)

This should also be the second-to-last chapter for this story, so it's a bit of a doozy trying to get it where I want it. But I'm sure you'll all really enjoy it.

I hope to have it in everyone's hands by very early next week. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the art.

I also wanted to thank everyone for the support. None of this would be possible without you guys. So, cheers!

<3 Kara




Back in Witchy part 1, when Cory was still male, he made the same WTF? expression/motion as in the last pic. Which is great characterization. Can't wait to see part 3.





Fox Face

We're going off script people! Loving the inclusion of what appears to be new scenes.


hmmm goood good


Yea, I also caught that. Great detail.


For real, I’m living for witchy right now. I’m getting FFS next week on Tuesday, it would be such a treat to read this during recovery!


Aw, don’t sweat it! I’ll be recovering for two weeks!


I can wait, but I don't think she can to be normal


Any ETA?


Currently writing it up. It's a bit over 200 pages. Got carried away with working on the last part a little ahead because I had a really great dream sequence I wanted to throw in. That'll likely follow this rather than another story.


Sorry. This is much later than I would've liked. I've reworked this chapter at least a dozen times now. But I'm reading it now, making final edits, and then I'll be uploading it later this afternoon. I also got super carried away working ahead into the next chapter with images, so I'm probably going to drop this, do something small (like F&amp;F) and then come back to finish this story in July. Sorry I've been quiet. A bit of shame here for the writers block.