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I'm making a new expansion for Frosty!

Introducing: Flurry, the Second Frostwyrm!

Everything you need to know about Flurry is in the Overview of thedocument, but, to summarize: Flurry is a second Frostwyrm that's spotted near Frosty's old stomping grounds. After meeting with him (and he goes by male pronouns, at least after he and you get on more familiar grounds), he'll either challenge you to a duel for the right to mate with Frosty, or, if you have enough kips, he'll succumb to your endless virility/fertility and ask to join your clutch willingly.

You'll be able to name him, just like Frosty.  He does not yet have a 'canon' name, like Valrynn does.  He'll have some standalone sex content; some threesome content with you and Frosty; and some foursome content with you, Frosty, and Nykke (he will not have threesome content with you and Nykke, just to keep my sanity).  His dick is smaller than Frosty's, which he is self-conscious of, but you can give him a shot of Throbb to make him beeg

Frostwyrms were meant to be mythical and endangered, so there will be no more new, pureblood Frostwyrms after Flurry.

As of this writing, there is no difference between the public doc and the Patreon doc, but all future updates will be on the Patreon doc.


I'mma have a threesome with two giant dragons (Patreon Version)

Overview: This is an expansion for Frosty the Forstwyrm. The current story with Frosty is that the Frostwyrms have been hunted to near-extinction on Uveto, and Frosty was having a difficult time finding herself a mate before eventually 'settling' with you. She's not the last surviving pureblood...


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