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I know technically it hasn't been a week yet but, well, it seems like it's a landslide. If the vote suddenly changes I will edit the header!

I guess the only way to find out what the turn out would be was if I actually started something proper... and so I did. And now I know not to suggest things flat out - hah. At least... not front loading it with my ideas. Instead I will do one of several things - all of which involves getting ideas from you all.

Going forward I will keep it pretty simple.

Week 1 I field suggestions from you all.

Week 2 I make an info-graphic with 10 selections of my choice of suggested works for you to vote on.

Week 3 to the end of the month - The pinup will ensue.

I will attempt to keep a diverse mix.  A mix between fan art... both popular and uncommon (but still fun!), other people suggesting ideas for my own characters (I will make an info graphic listing them, I have a ton - hah), and personal characters other people own.

Outside of that, if I have any ideas of my own, I will do them as a separate poll.... just so other people's ideas have a fighting chance! These will have no set schedule. At least not yet anyway.

SO. How does that sound? Nothing is set in stone. This is just the updated plan!



Sounds like a good approach, balancing it out some more. I like how you focus on learning and improving the process as you go.


Looking forward to the infographic!