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Hello, there precious bros. How is everyone doing? It's already year 2024 and January will end before you know it. Time flies as usual. -_-

The stickers.  I ordered a bunch of random anime stickers from AliExpress. Еhat ridiculously low price was hard to resist. To my surprise I really did receive 100 stickers. And I must say that the quality of these stickers is quite decent.

I am BANKSY. As soon as I got the stickers I felt a strong urge to go outside and commit some vandalism. Which I promptly did. It was surprisingly fun :). I suppose I could have done this with the AKABUR themed stickers that I have a whole box of (curtesy of MrLazare), but those are way too precious, and I still haven't given up on the idea on sending them out to you guys one day.

The World News. The only two big things that caught my attention this week was the release of the Flash Carts for the Nintendo Switch (gotta love the RedAlert3 design) and the success of the Palworld. Must say I am lowkey happy about the Palworld since this seems to be a classic underdog rising story.

The Work. Over the week I got fucking tired of all the writing and coding and decided to take a break by working on some art assets. Can't show you the final result since, to be honest, it's too good to spoil it like that. I want you to discover it on your own while playing :)

And that is all. Basically this was just another week at the forge. No new breakthroughs or anything, juts toiling away towards the inevitable release. Thank you for your support guys. Love you all.


A few links just in case:




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I plead guilty for having made our favorite creator and artist addicted to stickers… Sorry Well, these stickers look really nice 👍 👉 My proposal: Print a hundred stickers with a design from the Akabur universe with a QR code pointing to the download page for all his games on itch.io. By sticking them all over the place outside, not only will we make the world a more beautiful place, but we'll also help a few people discover the best educational games!


This week's gif is from: Léon

Alejandro Garcia

Dunno about Palworld, seems like plagiarized shovelware to me

Trevor Bond

'No big breakthroughs', well, that's how work gets done. The bulk of it is grinding steadily away towards the end! If it was all the big moments they wouldn't be special after all!


Yeah, pretty much. You just keep on grinding and hope it will worth it in the end. Thank you for the support, Trevor, as always.


Hey! Glad to see everything seems to be good. It is nice to sometimes have weeks with no huge happenings. (At least I enjoy them sometimes) Keep up the good work Aka, and take care. Last thing we want is you burning out. And also, thanks for no spoilers. I am a big fan of being surprised!