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Hello there, dear bros. If you reading this that means you have survived the festivities and on that I congratulate you. Little by little the life returns back to normal for everyone (I hope), and here is another crucial part of your normal life routine: Monday Post!

Initial D. Since I finished watching MF Ghost and decided to give Initial D a try. Yes I know the order is backwards, but it is what it is. Watched first two episodes. So far so good. Looking forward to watching this classic in it's entirety for the first time.

Agarest Senki Mariage. Still on the second generation. The blond girl (Geolette) is probably the one I will end up marring. Also, in case I didn't mention this before, this game has customizable underwear. They just don't make them like this anymore, do they? ^^

Also I had to do one particular change to my version of Esmeralda. Apparently I got her eye color wrong and until now nobody even complained about it. Well one guy did a few weeks ago and since then it's been bothering me. It's a small detail but knowing that I got it wrong was annoying. Eventually I decided to sacrifice a couple hours of my work time to fix it. Rejoice everyone, your future wife Esmeralda has green eyes now. ^^

I did it! I have successfully replaced my faulty PSP joystick! That thing was broken for 10+ years now XD. You have no idea how happy I am to be able to play games normally again on my ancient Japanese PSP unit. If all goes well (and if I have the time) I will probably be playing Persona 3 Portable again. That game is prefect for PSP :)

The work. This week I was tidying up one side quest that has Genie giving a few valuable life lessons to a daughter of a rich woman. Originally the daughter was represented a silhouette, but I decided to invest a few extra days to flesh out her a bit more. I based her character sprite on Cornelia Hale ^^

EXTRA!! This week I decided to make another EXTRA!! patrons only post. It's been a while since I did one of those, so here you go. It'll have a few extra WIPs, make sure to check it out if you can ^^

And that is all I have to say for now. Thank you for your support. I'll see you all next Monday.


A few links just in case:




Initial D is awesome, I really enjoyed it! Glad you changed the colour of Esmeraldas eyes but I would never notice it simply because I am not that familiar with The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Good thing someone noticed it! Nice that the PSP surgery was successful, hopefully more awesome games will be played on it thanks to that. Also, fucking hell yeah that the character is based on Cornelia. I love her and overall feel nostalgic towards W.I.T.C.H. so thanks for that Akabro


Initial D I also watched a few years back (still hoping for a blu-ray release), it took me a little while to get used to that older Japanese art style. Didn't help the streaming service had what looked like a DVD quality stream, a bit rough. It gets better in the later series, by the fourth series "Fourth State" I really got into it. The first series he tends to win a bit too much (on his own well known area) so you don't feel as much stake in the racing scenes as you should, but the racing scenes are still good though. Later series the races feel better as he races different areas which spice things up a bit. Definitely worth a watch


Hi! Thank you for your gorgeous work! Would it be like Witch Trainer(chibi game) or like Princess trainer(full-art)? Silly question, but I've seen only chibi arts on your patreon.


This may add more work, and it may seem like a stupid idea, but when I saw a post about the New Year’s quest, I thought about a quest for the player’s birthday. For example, I play Genshin Impact, where all the characters wish you birthday wishes.


Not a silly question at all. I know that many people don't like the chibi stuff. Queen Trainer will be mostly chibi. Going full screen CG route would multiply the development by 5 at the very least -_-


Again, nothing stupid about it. And originally I even thought about implementing it. At the end the idea got shelved. Maybe in the Gold Edition :)