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Hello there, subscriber-bros! Thank you for your support. Let's have a bit of a more private conversation while I continue to share small WIPs from last week. Oh, but first let me thank you for your support. If Queen Trainer becomes a great hit, it will be thanks to you. And if it will become a great failure it will be also thanks to you XD

Also since Patreon is working properly for the moment and I am getting new-subscriber notifications now, let me officially welcome our new cult members:  RedX20, VANO, Matesak, David Faulds, idltires, SilverKnight, Орест Кравчук, Dizzy, Ben, inanim8, bat852,  Brown, Евгений Лавышко, Snapshot, Oğuzhan Dilek, Tehir Hidrin and Rayir. ^_^

Anyway. I finished coloring and animating everything I needed for the final part of the New Year's  event. Well, almost everything. I will be using some placeholders here and there for some minor things. The plan for this week is to put the event together and see if it works the way I envisioned it or if some tweaks are still necessary.

So far everything looks good. Once every year you will be able to organize a party in your home with your wives and friends or just by yourself. You will be able to invite as  many people as you want and decide which of your wives will be able to attend. Each wives will be bringing her story related guests as well. For example Vivi will be bringing her parents and Peter Pan, Megara will be bringing Hercules and his father. Should be fun, but it will take some serious effort on my part to write and program all that variety properly. Also every additional guest will cost extra GOLD so this event will be a good money sink. I am even considering optional decorations but this is something I could always add later. Right now I just need to put everything together and make sure it works.

That is all I have to say and share for this time. Go watch the inking video and I will see you all next week. Thank you for your patience bros. Thank you for giving me time to put a lot of personal touches into this game. It's gonna result in a more enjoyable final product, you'll see :)




Inking video recorded with my phone. This is 16xSPEED the speed of the original.



Good video and impressive work as always Aka, I can’t speak for everyone on the matter but I personally appreciate you always going the extra mile with the events and stories you create, keep up the great work! 🙂

Trevor Bond

Gotta have SOMEwhere to spend that gold! Keep up the good work, Aka!