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Hello bros. How is it going? To be honest I don't feel like writing this post at all right now (too busy with the work T_T), but that's the beauty of it, isn't it? This is a perfect opportunity to exercise my power of will and do what needs to be done! Let's goooo! XD

The plexiglass thing on the picture above is another of MrLazare's creations. I had nothing to do with it, but it looks way too cool not to share it with all of you. Now I also want one like this T_T Being able to put some sort of multi-use stickers on this block to reenact WT events would be super cool.

The work. Working on the money-making side-stuff. Originally I just wanted to have it as an option to make extra money, but I don't want it to get boring quick so I am adding a little story to it. Think GTA4 where you had to run a taxi business with occasional story events. Nothing too major, but still requires work since I want to do it right. I decided to keep this particular side story completely spoiler free, all I will say is that it will involve more family friendly content about Genie educating yet another female person (making money in the process).

MrLazare's also shared this pic on my Discord the other day. As you can see this is a mug for the real men of culture only. Honestly, this is too good. Since I don't have any work-related stuff to share I will just continue to share this fan-creations. ^_^

And another one. This one is by Nanarul. Again, I had no hand in this one, and I sort of appreciate it, since I would not have the time or energy to help out anyway. But I really appreciate you guys creating this things. By the way, all of this pictures and more could be found on my Discord server.

L.O.L.A. Oh, and don't forget to check the attachment for a cool, AI generated pic of our favorite AI girl. The original version had one of her eyes completely messed up but I fixed it with little Photoshop magic. Enjoy :)

That's all. I need to get to work now. Thank you for your support. I'll see you all next Monday.


List of links just in case:




This week's gif is from Tomb Raider: Anniversary


AI is an amazing *tool* for artists, and it's only the gatekeeping aHoles that are against it, just like they were against 3d art, and Fractals and Photoshop, and acrylic and watercolor.. Whatever new thing makes art accessible they hate because they think it will devalue what *they* do.


Wonder if there is a Star Channel mod for it yet.


I'm listening to Athos 2643 audiobook right now and the main character is an AI that wears super light dresses. Now i have a really good picture of that in mind *smirk*

Andreas de Penz

i would love to see more april stuff, i like the very old style of her :D and...i need april merch,sooo where do i get stickers and mugs with your april? :D


I used to think I was a pervert, but today I learned I am actually a Real Man of Culture! Akaman educates yet again.


Always makes me so happy to see another bro realizing his full potential! Way to go! :)