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Hello there dear, bros. How are you doing this fine Monday? As you can see I am still around and continue to work on Queen Trainer -- the game that will ultimately make you exclaim: Akabur still got it! Or not. Potentially it might instead show that I finally went insane and wasted two years of everyone's life on a weird-ass project that will mark my downfall. Well, we will find out soon* enough :)

In the meantime let me present to you a popularity poll that was created without my involvement but with my approval. Personally I think it is not a very fair poll since it has Iris on it. Also keep in mind that this popularity poll is just for fun, cast your vote freely, knowing it won't affect anything :) That being said, it could change my outlook on some of the characters a bit. For example Vivi is one of my personal favorites (I hope it won't show in the game), but apparently I am in the minority with her. (Also it would be interesting to do this poll again once the game is out, and see how the opinions would change. XD
THE POLL: -->>  https://strawpoll.com/e2narReGlgB

On my discord server, some soulless individual dared to say that Megara is his least favorite in the moment because of her lame dress. Let me just say that the default outfits sets the starting point, they won't stay the same through out the entire game. *Wink-wink!*

To other news. Kind bro on Discord agreed to try and use AI to create a few backgrounds for QT, so that I could concentrate on other assets. The result so far is OK. Not completely terrible, and definitely is usable, but far from perfect. The main problem is the lack of the right (isometric) perspective. But it sure is interesting to experiment with. It looks something like this:

Work work. Have no big breakthroughs to report on the work front. Finishing up on the endings, testing a ton of other things along the way. At this point it's just another week at the forge. We will see if this week will be a bit more exciting :)

The games. Not than anyone asked, but here is an update on what I am currently playing. About 45 hour into KOTOR1. Fantastic game. It's a shame I missed it originally. Usually I don't spend much time gaming, so this 45 hours took me almost 2 months, lol. In any case I imagine I will stick with KOTOR1 (and occasional GTA:SA) for much longer before moving on to something else.

And that is it, bros. Go cast your vote and I will see you all next week. Thank you for your support. If Queen Trainer turns out to be a huge fucking hit you will always know that it would not have happened without your help. ^^


List of links just in case:




Meg my love.. <3


I see Vivi becoming a favorite once the game begins. The quiet ones can sneak up on you.


The poll is unfair for 2 reasons: Jasmine is not in the poll and none of them are naked. Can't decide...


Thanks for this new update!


This week's gif is from Valkyrie Drive.


Honestly, in design I have a tie at three: Azalea, Iris and Lola in that order I love them, I think that as someone who replays Princess trainer several times the relationship you form with them is more memorable and damn they are hot... but of course I say that as an active fan of my man Aka and his previous works, in this new project 1. Meg, 2. vivi and 3. esmi. they would be my favorites


Meg for me, but I grew up with the Hercules cartoon, so I may be a little bias. Also, KotOR is awesome! I don't know how many hours I had into it on the original Xbox, and I've got a ton more on my PC.


Only 13% of voters are correct so far, shameful.


Okay, I have voted before knowing your opinion but Vivi is the cutest and I can't wait to see how she is in game. Also, from seeing what you have told us so far, I am pretty sure that Queen Trainer will be sitting firmly in the "Akabur still got it!" category. Glad you enjoy KOTOR, it is amazing, I am curious if you will play KOTORII, if you do, I really recommend playing it with a content restoration mod, the community did an amazing job in restoring a lot of stuff, I would also recommend you stay clear of the M4-78, droid planet mod as it is a boring mess imo. And once again I have to say that I am disappointed in the community for not realising that Vivi will be great, then again, it is nice not to be mainstream :P Oh, and about the AI backgrounds, they do seem okay, but if you look at the screenshots, you can clearly see that the quality on the one drawn by you is 100 times better. Then again, it takes time to make them and if that mean you can focus on more important stuff, I'm fine with them, maybe after a minor adjustments.


Neat, though I must admid I find A missed opertunity to use the girls from the Aladdin tv series.


Don't you worry, I did do my research and I absolutely will be playing KotOR2 with the restoration patch. That was exactly why I did not by the game on Switch.


Life is not perfect I know. Although to be honest I don't remember that many of them from the show, although I was a big fan.