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I wanted to start this post with a clever "Did you know?" information. So I googled "Did you know sex facts". Turns out it was a very dumb idea, since all the search results were to different (but virtually the same) articles like: "50 Crazy Sex Facts for the Modern Woman". Basically a nonstop stream of current-day-and-age degeneracy. Internet has became a scary place. But that makes my posts all the more important. Welcome to the Monday Post -- your main source of decency and family friendly fun.

Did you know that LCD TVs ruin old-school games? Well of course you did, I already told last week. Well in any case here is a link to an article that explains this whole thing and also provides a lot of very informative screenshots. (Thank you for sharing MrLazare): https://wackoid.com/game/10-pictures-that-show-why-crt-tvs-are-better-for-gaming/

To other news. Well, I don't really have any. I am working on the ending bits on Queen Trainer. And that's that. All I can do is signal to you that I am still alive and that I continue to work, but that's about it.

EXTRA!! post this week contains a collection of pictures created by an AI that has been exposed to the marvel that is my art XD. The pics are from my Discord server, you can find them in the "ai-n-shit" channel.

That is all I have to say for now. See you all next Monday.

List of links just in case:




Intersting facts, and all best, always happy to have our weekly doze


Well, what's better than an Aladdin's game on this source of educational content to learn more about CRT vs modern TV? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfWSrBNs7Bc But if you have one article to read (apart of Akabur's monday updates) it's this one : https://vgdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/179656817318/designing-2d-graphics-in-the-japanese-industry Maybe sometimes in the futur people will buy old lcd or oled tv to play Akabur's games tthe way it was intended to be played in 2023!

Trevor Bond

Always happy to hear from you, Akabur! It means more family friendly content and an exciting crowd of people to hang with!


Seeing the difference between CRT and LCD makes me wish I could play these games as god intended (mostly for the family friendly education).


I bought Command & Conquer Red Alert Remastered. In the game, you can easily switch between the old (designed for CRT) graphics and modern (designed for LED/LCD and dedicated GPUs) graphics. This post really makes me want to break out one of my old CRT monitors and try the game on that.

Marshall Iblis

Thank you for signaling your continued survival! Your games are one of the few remaining joys I have in this life, keep on brother!


I still have a CRT television for my old game systems, but these "show how bad LCD/LED" images are misleading at best. The real problem is that whatever program is converting the images is condensing multiple pixels into ONE. You can see this easily by looking at the woman's eye in both images. It is 6 (or 3..) pixels of gradient color in the CRT image, being converted to only pixels of BLACK in the other image. So... the problem is not new TVs as much as shitty conversion software. What I mean is the original image is at least double the dpi as the converted one. That would make anything look bad...


I have arisen from the dead.


If what you are saying is true, that would mean that all emulators do that, and that an emulated game would look bad on a CRT TV. Hm... That's something to think about...