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Hello there truest of the true bros. Thank you for your support!

As I already mentioned in the public post, I continue to work on the Jasmine's training bit of the game. And I am getting really close to finally be done with this major part of my future masterpiece ^^

Here is a scan of my notes that I use to keep track of the progress.

As you can see quite a few of those 26 events have the "DONE" tag attached to them ^^

And that is about it, really. I will continue to draw, ink and color through this week as well, and will update you on the progress next Monday as usual. Thank you for your support bros. See you in one week.

-Chief Educator-




Love the variety! Looking so much forward to playing it :)


Jasmine looks slightly different from your older games. Would you say it's just your developing art style, or did she get a deliberate "perk up?"