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Hello cherished Bros! How is everyone doing. It's Monday Post #251 time! 

The Life. I bought a couple of super awesome phone support stands. At first I bought one, and then another one because these things are super cool! Now you must be wondering why I bought them. The answer is simple. To create a little PSP-VITA shrine of course.

Finally. Here I can now pray in peace to the god of all the hacked consoles and thank him for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us. (By the way that ROUTES UMD disk I bought in Japan crazy amount of years ago. That game is close to my heart and I cherish it, but to be honest I am surprised I still have it my possession. Over the years I moved countess times, many things got lost. But I still have that DISK XD )

Also I bought a new chair. For many months now I have been using a regular kitchen chair for work (because I am an idiot). This office chair cost me only around $60. Very happy with the purchase. One day I would like to have a proper "successful artist" setup with an inclining drawing desk and an overpriced chair, but for now this will do just fine ^_^

The work. Still mostly focused on illustrating Jasmine's training bits. This week I was working on this one piece about her having to tell the guards that Jafar has wasted too much of the kingdom's gold on his wizarding experiments and because of that they will not be getting paid this month. This will be a 3 step event with 3 different outcomes for each step, so this picture will have 9 different variants.

Well, that's about it... I will share a few more things in the EXTRA post, as usual, but to sum it up, this was another productive week :)

Thank you for your support, bros. I will see you all next Monday!

P.S. Love you all. No homo.




Congratulations on such amazing recent purchases, especially a chair... Yes, you should respect yourself and should buy things for yourself that create coziness and comfort around you)


I love it when you say "this was another productive week". This means that you are really making good progress and are happy with it.


You better believe it. The only downside is that I can't share with you guys all of the details, but at least when the whole thing comes together and I drop it on you as a finished product and see your feedback it will be such a pleasure for me ^^