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Hello, guys. How are you doing? Even though I can't actually hear your reply to this question, what I know is that (if you are reading this) you are at least feeling well enough to be able read these words :) Heh, well in any case, welcome to another Monday Post.

Low energy day. I am having one of those days when my mind refuses to focus on anything. Did manage to get some things done despite that, but not gonna lie, it took some effort :) 

In other words, what I am saying is, this post will be very bare bones. Sorry about that.

Monday Surprise Post contains playable bit of Iris' story (as promised). If you want to take a peek at what I was working on these past weeks, you can download it and take a look. But if you want to avoid spoilers maybe you shouldn't. The DEMO has no sound and contains a portion of Iris' story arc and nothing else.

Starting tomorrow I will be getting back to working on the central mechanic of the Jasmine's training. That means I will be doing some more illustrations depicting different decisions you will be making, so I will have some new WIP stuff to show off.

And that is all I have to say. See you all next Monday.

P.S. Thank you for new pledges and edited up pledges and for that $10 coffee somebody bought me last week :)

List of links just in case:




<p style="color: #008600;">I'm sure tomorrow you will be able to take all your will into a fist and continue to work hard...tomorrow is a new day</p>


Oh yes... there are days when the brain just refuses to focus on work)) Do not worry and have great success in further development


Lol. Yeah, sometimes it's not only the work, it's like you can't focus on anything at all. XD