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Hi there, welcome to another Monday pinup. I know I said this month is ribbon-themed and I'll have the girls wrapped in one but it seems it would be quite out of context here so I skipped that this time. I could barely even think of a background to put them in, the picture itself seems so out of context. So I looked through the movie back and forth a few times before I stole a screenshot of the treasure to use as background.

I guess this is what happens when the whole picture from the beginning is not thought out with all the details beforehand. Such as the background, or the why, what they will be saying and such. But anyway, Mondays for me is a way to "press Reset" and start fresh. Leave all the "creative struggles" of past week behind and start a new week (with new struggles)  xD

Don't get me wrong, the image is "nice" and all, so I will shut up and let Patrons enjoy it in full for now ^^

Moving on, a reminder that our latest Poll is still running for a few more days. If you are a Patron and have not voted yet, please do so now. If you are not a Patron what are you waiting for? Join up ^^

That's it from me for this week. Thank you all for your love and support. Stay healthy everyone, and warm, and "cool", and see you all again soon =]




And Monday post is on time. It's a bonus 😜


I see so it means Mondays are sometimes too early 🤪


MondaySpider 😌🕷