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Hi everyone, welcome to our weekly poll. Lets start with last week's results where you surprised me greatly o0

In my mind Chel would win, but instead was another close race between the other two sketches. Maybe you did it on purpose because you know that sometime I would definitely do Chel and Babette? Either case Sarah and Amelia won so they win a pinup for this Monday. I also see typed Sarah's name wrong..

So anyway, this weeks contenders are:

First, Leah Estrogen from "Osmosis Jones". I don't know the cartoon but thanks to you I learn things. Good job you ^^ . I see she needs corrections like a smaller head and a bigger arm.

Next, Pocahontas. Somehow I never done her before and somehow I avoided the joke for Poke-a-hot-ass, but we can rectify that another time. Her face was a bit difficult for me to get it right but I think I managed in the end.

Last is Roxanne from “A Goofy Movie“. I have done her again if you remember https://www.patreon.com/posts/44475159 but of course I have no problem doing her again. She is a lovely character. 

I didn't wrap them in ribbons this time for the sketches, but whoever wins will be ribboned for the pinup ^^

 Suggestions, yes you can propose girls, below in the comments a usual. They will be added to the current list of December. In Discord, we have organised things a bit better with image previews and such lovely things so I can easily glance at the month's suggestions and pick one for sketching.

Now it's time to use your voting finger and grand victory to one of these lovely ladies. So, thank you all for your participation and support. See you all real soon (this Monday) ^^




Veery hard choice to make. But I went with Pocahontas. As suggestions Elsa and Anna from Frozen. Maybe teasing a "christmas peppermint" together Minerva Mink from Animaniacs Jessica Rabbit from Who framed roger rabbit


Since you are not punishing Poca-hoe-ntas :T I go for poor Leah


Fa Mulan & Briar Rose (Princess Aurora), from Once Upon A Time (where they're canonically lesbians :D) Te Kā, from Moana Judy and/or Jane Jetson, from The Jetsons


Classic suggestion Rogue 😁


Which version, or where you looking for the classic Rogue? {pleasesaySavageLandpleasesaySavageLandpleasesaySavageLandplease}


90's Rogue 😁


The one from 1990-1991, when she was in the Savage Land? :D


I've checked it out. I agree Savage Land works for me as well 😜


Sergeant Miranda Wright from Disney's Bonkers. I just wish when this was out that I had appreciated how perfect of a pun her name is.

Thomas Michels

Debbie Thornberry from Wild Thornberries, Frankie Foster from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and Wendy from Gravity Falls


Just as long as she reads you her birth certificate while handcuffing you.

Davy Jones Jr.

How about Yasmina and Brooklyn from Camp Cretaceous (the Jurassic World cartoon)?


Hello, I submit for your consideration: 1) Star Sapphire (version from the animated movie Justice League Doom) 2) Fire and Ice (versions from the animated show Batman: the Brave and the Bold 3) Fontaine Nekton (of the comic and animated show The Deep). I will add refs in the Discord. -BM


Thank you Badger. Sapphire's costume inspires me ^^