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Ah Hey There Everyone!

After seeing the character poll, it's good to know who are popular and which characters people like to see!

We already got a lot of projects being made, but there are more themes / ideas with characters that haven't been done or we wanna try making, and we wanna know which ones people would like to see! We wanna do a different style of Comic for this one!

All of these are alternate universes on their own project!
Have fun choosing!



m/m content being voted for against m/f? Guess it'll be several more months before we get gay again, because in a pure numbers game it doesn't even have a chance.


The problem is that, franchises need to do a canon first for a true M/M content to be made. We wanna make a canon couple for the porn parody before making one in a big video. IE. We wanna wait for franchise canon m/m couple instead of making a fan couple on the monthly exclusives


I thought I got Here too late to vote, but I guess the poll is still open, Will see if the one I want can catch up to take the victory.