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TygerHearth MotionComics Season 1 Issue 6: Honorable Thieves
Animated by MrSafetyLion
Concept by MrSafetyLion
Written by WorldHearth Team

Two thieves eye on the same treasure. But this treasure might show them what they really want. Would there be honor among thieves?

Codename HBHH for Lifetime Support of 190$

Public Version to be released in the future!

Thanks for all the support! With lots of support, we get lots of new characters and content!




The ideal parring I did not know I wanted to see. I have been looking forward to this. Wow! I did not expect that at all! Absolutely amazing storyline!


Ah yup yup! These 2 thieves were bound to steal the same treasure some day! Yup, been loving the work of the team on the storytelling on these ones!


Question we gonna see more spyro or cynder content soon




Ah hm, if Spyro gets new content and a new Rivet like character like a new female dragon or a guy dragon, then it's all good!