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Ah Hey There!

With the fabled Krystal Comic season 2 getting lots of work already being done, there are still changes we can do depending on what people decide! Depending on lore and consistency, what would people prefer?

1. Should Krystal be in a relationship with Fox or she never met him in this story?
(Fox will not be in the comic)

2. Should the lizardmen be sharpclaws or just original LizardMen Dinosaurmen tribes?
(Original can get them more lore like having 2 cocks, big balls or unique original ideas)
(Sharpclaws would entail they are just tribal lizard people)

3. Can Krystal be impregnated by the lizardmen or only through science/magic/powerful aphrodisiacs?

4. Should there be a narrator narrating the story, or just dialogues of the characters?
(With Narrator example = and thus the vixen decided that day that her virginity will be taken by the man in front of her)
(Without Narrator example = none)

Have fun voting! Thanks for the support! Always enjoy seeing how people like their story!


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