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Ah Hey There!

With so many projects coming up, so does characters, ideas, plans and huge collabs with other OCs and artists! The schedule just got a little bit more wacky! I'm just gonna put a schedule update here so the team can check and see what's to come and plan far far ahead!

Projects Ongoing
-GryphonHearth Comic - Season 2: Issue 1: Kingdom Come
-Simba x (Choice)
--Vitani Path (Finished)
--3 more Paths
--Might be delayed after the THMC and VHE projects due to recently released comics with Season 1 too near it

TygerHearth Motion Comics
Season 1
-Scar x Zira (Updated)
-Wolf x Krystal (Updated)
-Project Housewife and Guest (Coming Soon)
-Project Before Marriage (Coming Soon)

Season 2
- Project Sports (Coming Soon)
- Project Hell (Coming Soon)
- Project Sword (Coming Soon)
- Project Wife (Coming Soon)

VyperHearth Entertainment
Season 1
-Carmelita (Updated)
-Hopps (Updated)
-Nala (Updated)
-Tigress (Updated)
Season 2
- Project Gift (Coming Soon)
- Project Treasure (Coming Soon)
- Project Gem (Coming Soon)
- Project Open (Coming Soon)

VIP Guest Alternative Projects
-Project Party
-Project WorkOut
-Project Delivery
-Project VR

There it is! When we told you long time ago, the schedule is just about to get crazy, it was just the beginning :D! With so many projects and so many collaborations with other amazing great artists coming along, the mission to give people great arts will surely be done! Thanks for all the support! With all the support, all of these projects would be made better! Great artists are now catching eye on our mission and supports us and love to work with us from HTHCrowchild to Kadath and lots more to come! Together, we're now making the dream, a reality!



The road may be long and hard, but Support from all of you, together with the Cavalry (Great Artists), now arriving, the quest for entertainment continues!


Congratulations. I'm glad You are getting recognized by other great artists. So You are renaming VyperHearth Entertainment to VyxenHearth Entertainment? If You don't mind My asking, is there a particular reason for that?


Ah yup thanks! Every since the Villa series started, so many great artists and guests have been messaging me for collabs and projects, it's been hard to find time to get them all organized lol. For the VyperHearth, thanks! Yep, it's suppose to be VyperHearth, it autocorrected when typing


Ah autocorrect is such a pain in the tail end.