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VyxenHearth Island S1E4: Be A Star (LyteHearth Version)
Animated by MrSafetyLion
Concept by MrSafetyLion

Graduates Legosi and Haru finally have time to hang around after all those romantic moments. What better way to celebrate their winter getaway than tapping into their wild side in the winter island lodges of love!

There is no Code yet for Be A Star
LyteHearth Version means it's on production and it's not finished yet.
Credits and all details about it are coming soon when it's finished.
Final product has no date but will be speculated to be many months from now.

The last month's Project is GryphonHearth Film Festival Comics
Lifetime Support Required is 90$
Comment the Code GFF if you haven't gotten the comics from last month yet




I was hoping You might show us a Poster while we waited, So far it looks like things will be as they always were. We just have to wait for it. No Problem. Beastars is one of the reasons I got Netflix in the first place (and the 2nd show I actually Binge watched). I would normally say I can't wait to see this, but let Me reassure You I can definitely wait to see this. (Quality is definitely worth waiting for). I'm sure Legoshi and Haru will have a much better time at VyxenHearth Island than They did in that one episode. Judging by Your synopsis and one detail I noticed on The Poster (Yes I ACTUALLY noticed a detail) You seem to be taking more of a lead from The Manga. The Poster is Awesome (I have no doubt the video will be as well).


That looks creepy tbh 😂


I'm quite sure it is an homage to a scene that was in the first episode of the series.


Ah yup yup! These 2 definitely need some time together, as well as the entire cast. But it will be for a while before we see more of them. And yup, it's a reference to one of the the iconic posters of them.