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As you guys voted, here's a teaser for the Krystal Special! Coming around mid March. It's released for public on release since it's somehow a small collaborative project.

What are we looking at? Skyrim? Bugs? Skyrim HD? Arrow to the knee?

Also, small information, it's not the 5-6 minute exclusive for this month.

The 5-6 minutes exclusive video is for the "Big upcoming Special" released around late mid March.  Trust me on this Big Upcoming Special when I say it's a big upcoming special.


(No title)



This isn't a teaser at all. It's just a screenshot of an unmodded Whiterun outside Warmaiden.


I can't see the teaser (I even tried a different browser). Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.


When it's out it will all make sense, I'll add the reason on the description when it's out


He played us like a damn fiiddlee!!!