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Sad news, the Valentine's episode won't be releasing at exactly Valentines Day due to long render times :(

Good news, it's around that week! :)




I just watched this movie and was like that would make good porn!!


Nick and judy Romane Sex I cant not more wait. Get faster rendering MrSafetyLion


The fandom that never dies! :3


From the teaser it looks like Nick has his dick in a some bunny's Borough.

Ryan-Lee Riley

It will be worth the wait! :3


Would it be possible to render a lower quality output as a placeholder for unrendered segments, then replace it with a higher quality version down the road e. g. render in 720p instead of 1080p?

cittran genericlastname

While technically possible, it wouldn't be an efficient use of rendering time -- if by 'placeholder' you mean 'an earlier release of the full animation in 720p because it takes less time to render'. The problem with doing it that way is that while it *does* give us a (slightly) faster 720p release, MSL would then still need to render it in 1080p after that, which would then take the full amount of rendering time. So regardless of anything else, he'll need to devote the time and computing power to creating the 1080p render of the animation; however, the 1080p can then be downscaled to create the 720p version by using a simple video conversion program (ex: Freemake Video Converter, though I'm not sure what MSL uses to create the downscaled versions). The downscaling process is *much* faster than going through the process of rendering the animation again at 720p. So, if the 1080p animation is a total of "n" minutes long, is being rendered at 30FPS (frames-per-second), and the program takes "x" minutes to render each frame of the animation, then the total time to render per minute of animation would be: 'n' minutes of animation * (60 seconds/minute * 30 frames/second) * 'z' minutes/frame (each minute of animation is 1800 frames, and each frame takes 'z' minutes to render) So each minute of animation would take 1800z minutes to render. At a guess, this animation will probably be at least 2 minutes long -- possibly more, but I'll use 2 minutes as a baseline. If we say that each frame takes '2' minutes to render (which is a total guess -- I've got no idea what MSL's average render times are), then we can put that into the first equation: 2 minutes of animation * (60 seconds/minute * 30 frames/second) * 2 minutes/frame 120 seconds * 30 frames/second * 2 minutes/frame == 3600 frames * 2 minutes/frame = 7200 minutes That's 120 hours, or 5 days -- 5 days of running a computer nonstop, day-and-night, fully-devoted to rendering frames. So because MSL releases animations in 1080p, he *needs* to do that full-resolution render, no matter what. As another example, let's say that the 720p render would take only *half* that time -- 60 hours, or 2.5 days. The problem with doing this render first is that upscaling (increasing the resolution of a video file) and downscaling (decreasing the resolution) do different things. Upscaling takes data that's already there, and tries to add more detail -- but it has to guess at what it looks like -- it isn't a perfect process. Downscaling, on the other hand, has an easy job -- it just removes data that's already there, so it's a much faster process, and the original 1080p file has a higher quality than an upscaled 1080p file would have anyways. So if he did the 720p render first, he'd have to do 2 render processes -- the first one for 2.5 days at 720p, and the second one for 5 days at 1080p -- that's a total of 7.5 days of rendering. Meanwhile, downscaling the 1080p file to 720p might take a few hours, tops (and I'm probably overestimating that), so it will take 5 full days + maybe 2 hours to do the 1080p render and then downscale to 720p. I know that's a massive wall of text, but I figured I'd actually explain it instead of just shooting down the idea. :)


"The waiting would be worth it" if not for what? "Would" implies that there is a big caveat to the statement!


ah damn, not yet, I've been working on future models alongside animating and managing stuff, next week delay again sadly


Did you get a BSOD in the middle of rendering and have to start the process all over again?


Nope, no blue screens, just too much stuff to do like modelling, animating and managing and more


Ah no bsod,, no Blue screen of death really, just so many things to do aside from animating, all for future works and making future models and animations take a lot of time, it will be released this feb since I have a lot of commissions to finish and lots of upcoming big animations for march


Is over one Week again is the solth arent Flash. If it then I come with my guns to Him and waking up the solth that faster working


Ah shoot hold on, sorry for the delays, a couple more days to go though, I was working on models a lot for the past days, dont worry its around 70% done. Flash the sloth is still typing about how much he loves the new meme gangnam style


when where going to se this episode


Might have to bench this animation if it’s taking too much time along side the other stuff.


All to be sure, its on feb, but not sure when, I was working with models myself during the past week, its all big model stuff that would save a lot of time for future stuff, and new characters to be introduced for the next months and weeks


Ah dont worry, no need to bench it, its coming along fine, just had to do other models from the past week.


So waterstand on movie aways 70% or higher now??


I dont get the question, what I meant earlier on the comments were, the completion of the video is 70% done


Come on guys, cut MrSafety some slack, delays happen but he’s using the time to multitask so don’t get the idea that he’s getting lazy. Besides, he hasn’t disappointed so far and it’s less than a week before February ends so we’ll get the video before then.


Ah dont worry, there werent really big delays, I just swapped time schedule doing future stuff than the valentine's one