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It seems tragic that I am sweeping away history that has crumbled away from the walls in this room. Sadly I can’t decipher any original patters from this, only colours.




Is it worth keeping a few bits as reference for future colours elsewhere? The green is also lovely.

Oliver and Camilla Strong

Most definitely agree. I already have a little box with paint peelings from the bathroom which I’m going to add this newly discovered pink to. :-))


How sad I hope this wasn't a wall or room where the wall paintings are. That would be a tragedy! Can you all talk more about the process of getting permission to start the restoration of your home, please? I am so worried that permission may never happen! Take care!


It is a nice color palette...literal paint chips! (Is that what you call samples from a paint shop in the UK/EU, or is it an American thing?)

Oliver and Camilla Strong

Hello Scott, No this absolutely is not a room with art in it!!! We are about restoring this house rather than erasing its beauty. :-)). As for the permissions, we are due to have a meeting with the architect next week to understand where we are at. So definitely we will be giving an update soon. Xx

Oliver and Camilla Strong

I didn’t know about this expression - yes that’s really funny. I’ve kept some of the pieces and I really hope I will unearth more history in these rooms that have already been painted white. The humidity this summer has been really extreme and the storms of the last few days added to that moisture, so now other walls - white ones are shedding bits from them. I have yet to get a moment to investigate, being so busy working on other parts of the house but it’s on my mind to get the ladder into these rooms and take a look. :-))