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In villanova today, we visited a shop selling just motorcycle helmets and chanced upon this very traditional shop selling "pollastre" chicken roasted on a spit. This is something I saw as a child, often on the roadside, when visiting this part of Spain for holidays. There were a lot of other traditional dishes on sale like snails, black squid rice and croquettes. Villanova is an historic town south of Sitges and Ribes, set on the coast. It's quite large and not all of it nice but there are some beautiful historic houses a lovely beach and an impressive marina. It certainly has its own very unique identity and is definitely on the up!



I love roasted chicken. In the USA here in Texas, I buy chicken roasted like this at our Kroger Supermarket or Sam’s Club. And it is all very cheap!


Cool. What is at the base of the roaster ?