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Thank you for your kind messages about Don Pekoe - we were very touched as we were pretty worried to say the least.  I am glad to report that he is so much better today so I think we have turned a corner thank goodness....

This little video is the samples on the wall. It is interesting to see the scale of them - some work better than others. For example much as I I've the monkey it does seem a bit big for the scale of the room perhaps.  



Great news about DP! First one gets my vote! But you know what is MOST important and the ONLY vote that really matters? What YOU GUYS think! ha When you ask for folks' opinions you risk them saying something about one of them that you actually REALLY love and then it turns you off it....you know?


First one is the best in my view.


Great news that your kitty is feeling better hope this continues I hate it when my kitties are not well ! I’m all for the blue - the bird is lovely and the colours stunning 😍


I too vote for the blue one. I recommend you check out How to Renovate your Chateau (without killing your partner) vlog, look at Ana’s bathroom mural for a design idea. Glad kitties are improving. Cheers from Toronto


I still like the pink!!! I like the scale and the colors match so many of the other colors in your house. I also think it marries well with the table and chairs. If you like the blue, maybe consider the blue on the wainscoting! A good painter could replicate that aged background. I know for sure my husband’s painter has done that on jobs he has done for our company! I would like to see the rest of that tree as well. My two cents for what they are worth. 🥰😊 They are all beautiful! I think you are right about the monkey being too big but if you like that one best maybe they have another smaller scaled one. 😊


I like the blue one.


I would rather have seen them separately as opposed to being side by side. I don't think any of them tick the box of garden room yet, but if I had to pick one it would be the blue. I expected a white background with large green leaves fronds etc. I suppose more 'jungley'. Expensive purchase, I'd keep looking. As a YouTuber I follow says, if it's not a Wow it's a non ❤


I like the champagne with the monkey (1st) and pink with the tucan. I don't believe the monkey's too big. My concern is that it might be too dull on a whole room scale- you need to see more of the pattern. I think the champagne background will remain an interesting background and not overwhelm the rest of the room, putting more emphasis on the furniture and other decorations-will really make the palm look good. The pink could end up being "a lot of pink".


Still love the blue! Or something like it. Mainly because I don't think it will detract from the furnishings while still giving the feel of being in a garden. The large monkeys, birds etc. command all the attention. If it was very modern, clean, minimal pattern furnishings the jungle scenes would be stunning. However, once again the reveal of Ollies new laptop case accessory was the most adorable!!! I'll be smiling all day thinking of that vision in fur :-)


We don't think any are the one but the blue is the best out of the three. Love seeing kitty on the laptop case (does he have a name ) and so happy to hear that Don Pekoe is on the mend. Love from Margaret and Peter (now in London)