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I don’t know if some of you will remember but a few months ago Veronica and Eduin our lovely sculptor friends gave us a beautiful chandelier which is rather unusual with its ceramic flowers. The colour palette works rather well for Can Punxes too.

It was actually originally in an Modernisme Art Nouveau house.

It has a few restoration challenges before it is ready to be installed

  1. Rewiring
  2. Cleaning
  3. Replacing missing crystals
  4. Replacing the broken china top piece
  5. Mending a broken metal arm
  6. Repairing or replacing the broken candle cup

This week Eduin and Veronica kindly helped us out with 4 and 5. They got a foundry to meld the broken metal arm back together as you can see here. And Eduin found the beautiful brass top pieces you can see to replace the smashed china one.

We are now thinking about challenge 6. Camilla is checking with a local ceramicist to see what they think.

One option is to add a replacement section and then repair Japanese Kintsugi style:


We will let you know where to get to but it will be lovely to see this chandelier up and resplendent again!  I don't like seeing beautiful things like this in such a sorry state!



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