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Alrighty, this should be the last of the Repeat polish builds! I know last update I promised you guys that new story content would be coming, but unfortunately my personal life had grown very hectic and I did not have any time left for VN development. My freelance job, which my manager originally promised would be a manageable 20hrs a week and would provide me with time to work on Repeat, ended up turning into a full-time nightmare that ate up most of my energy. On top of that, I got very sick for most of September and had to go into urgent care after my throat swelled up to the point where breathing became difficult. Needless to say, I lost a lot of productivity.

I just want to apologize again for my mess of a release schedule these past few months. I can't help but feel I've been letting you guys down this year with how inconsistent my art/VN output has been, but I'm forever grateful for everyone who has stuck around. ;;w;;

My freelance contract just ended last week so now I'm finally able to focus on VN development full-time again. Moving forward, there should be no more major road bumps and I can focus on pushing out quality content for everyone. I'll do my best to be worth your support, thank you all!

This update is full of tiny changes that most readers might not catch in the original Repeat story, but I hope it all adds up to make the whole VN feel more polished compared to its previous iteration!

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-Euca's student ID card has been redone so that I die inside slightly less when playing through the beginning of Repeat.

-The photo that Mrs. Corlisse hands you at the tail-end of Sissel's Route B was supposed to be illustrated but was cut from earlier builds due to time constraints. This has been drawn and retroactively added to the game.

-The art for Owen's blowjob scene towards the later part of his route has been overhauled, now with 100% more ass.

-Several more shirtless sprites variations had been added for Owen and Sissel.


-Adjusted Repeat's dialogue box UI and placed the Nametag box in a separate window. The dialogue box is now more opaque for easier reading.

-Replaced the sound effect "slam.wav" and "bump.mp3" with new sound files that no longer blow out your eardrums.

-Added new sound effect plop.mp3 that is much gentler and will now be mostly used for the small stings of character jumps instead of any of the harsher sounding ones. Granted, the harsh sounds will still be used when appropriate, but it's much less frequent.

-Combed through the entire VN and made various adjustments to the dialogue, sound effects, added character themes to certain scenes, and more dynamic sprite usage and animations. TDLR; sprites are now more lively and move more in scenes.

-Added the note "Heavily WIP" to Phillip's Route choice so that new players are aware of its current status.

Notable story changes:

- The majority of grammar issues (especially verb-tense agreement) has been fixed for the whole VN.

- Adjusted Euca (the main character)'s dialogue to make his distress when left alone a little more obvious for plot reasons.

- The Lorelei family is mentioned more frequently in the early parts of the game.

-Halley's dialogue throughout the VN has been adjusted to be less edgy.

-Various wishes' dialogue has been tweaked with better foreshadowing. The Edelweiss flower's riddles have also been adjusted in accordance with Owen's route rewrite.

- Most of the Days received small dialogue changes here and there that don't feel like a lot, but eradicated a lot of the cringy feel of my early writing. Most of the scenes remain unchanged, but I've cut/rewritten most of the worst lines of dialogue so hopefully Repeat will feel a little more polished as a whole.

-Phillip no longer hugs you on Day 2, and this scene has been rewritten and adjusted to better fit his character.

-Day 4 is guilty of a lot of issues from my older writing. I really don't like how it almost frames Phillip in the wrong for asking for space and setting boundaries when it came to Owen's sexual advances. Many of these scenes have been rewritten to fix these issues, along with adding character-building moments that bring up their respective backstories and explore how it affects their decision-making.

- On Day 6, I've completely rewritten Owen's scene at the food pantry in the community center. The previous iteration felt very cartoonish, with people hating on Owen with unrealistic and silly reactions. It basically felt like Owen had a kick-me sign but the scene took it 100% seriously. The new rewrite is a little more light-hearted, with Owen giving a little more family backstory. Also horny. There's room to add a public exhibitionist lewd scene there if I have the time in future updates.

-Morse's dialogue has been tweaked in certain parts of Owen's route to make him sound less like a jerk, and now leans more towards a cold/distant tone.

-Certain distasteful jokes have been removed. Some parts of this VN did not age well.

-Certain Sissel lines have been adjusted to make him slightly less self-pitying at times.

-Certain early Owen dialogue has been adjusted to make him less overbearing/annoying. Slightly.

-Various lines have been rewritten/better worded, particularly in the early parts of the game where my writing skill was lacking.



Bobby Thornbody

I believe I said this during the last update, but just by the fact you've done something at all shows that you're trying. Real life happens, and I completely understand. Personally, I'm looking forward to reading it again, just to see what dialogue changes you've made. You have NO reason to apologize here. *hugs and love*


It took me a second to realize that you were saying "polish" as in making it cleaner and better and not "Polish" as in the language of Poland.