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2018 has come and gone. It was a rough year, in many ways, but I'm also proud. A year ago we had 68 patrons, and about $200 in pledges. Today, there's more than twice as many of you, and the pledge amount has quadrupled!

Highlights of the past year include the WWBtB finale, two short comics (Party Girl and Gratitude) and loads of transformation art! Our patron requests evolved from single-stage pinups to 5(or even 6!)-step sequences with proper TF process.

Just this month we had:

3 sequences:

4 before & afters:

and 3 pinups:

So what's next? My one 2019 resolution is to finally make a new game.  I know I've been saying it for a long time. I've actually done hours of drawing and coding on two separate projects only to hit a wall, both times, because of bad design decisions. I hope I've learned from my mistakes. Third time's the charm, after all. 

As always, I've gathered all this month's content here for your convenience. Thanks again for your continued support! Have a wonderful 2019 full of love and transformations!

(You can find previous months' rewards by browsing the monthly rewards tag. All art is under the art tag.) 



Make that game dude, and if every you need help you can count on us.