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TAD 1x5

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Thank you for the ep also this ep I love as well ^^


I love how this episode showcases Maomao's commoner practicality. She knows how to stay warm and comfortable so much better than the nobles who are completely mystified by 'hot rock in pocket'


It's not even just her background as a commoner, either; Maomao's also just a super curious, perceptive, analytical person. She's great at finding and taking in practical knowledge wherever she finds herself.


Really fun listening to Alicia nail Maomao's makeup and the "whys" behind it minutes before she addresses it in the episode. Also, for as flaky as Jinshi is, it's really cool seeing him get furious for Maomao as she explains the "whys" to him.


I loved the coloured flames bit. I actually learned about it in chemistry at school. Basically, different salts, like copper sulfate, produce different coloured flames. As Maomao said, that's how you make different colour fireworks. It's also how you give paint colours. You start with a base white, which uses aluminium oxide, and add the appropriate salts to it.


Maomao doesn't glow up. She has to glow DOWN


i grew up around buffalo new york so trafficking was pretty common. while i wasn't in a sketchy neighborhood, whenever we went anywhere even just a grocery store, my mom taught me since i was five or six on what to do if a situation like that happened cause it was just so common, so i loved how the incorporated it in the episode and with how it effects people who technically weren't even a victim of it, but still had to take precautions day to day


Honestly get the make up thing. I’ve done something similar. Not with cosmetics, but posture. Worked for the parks department back home when I was in high school and night shifts could get tricky cause the park is right next to the lake front with multiple beach bars. Had to make sure I carried myself well to keep assholes from causing trouble. It’s amazing the difference a straight posture can make. I even still have the baseball bat I took from some drunk when he stumbled over to break some car windows.


It's crazy hearing mentions of things you don't know the full scale of until so much later, like Basen's brute strength... that boy LIFTS