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FMAB Ep 12

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Charlie baker

yeah knew izumi would resonate with you pretty hard


As some tragic joke from "God" it took her uterus especially. Not some internal organs. It took the possibillity to get a child itself. Fucked up shit.

Octavia Hutchens

Make sure you're drinking lots of water for this anime. Guarantee this is not the last time you'll be crying

Apollo Gize

And that's it right there.. much like a monkeys paw, the price is ironically fitting... I just feel sad that our queen can relate to this too strongly....

Apollo Gize

Come Clean 11:40 Hillary Duff.. Heard that MANY times at the bowling alley in the mid aughts lol

Brian Todd

What's important to notice is that truth has a sense of twisted Irony to it. Izumi wanted to bring back her child, so it left her with a body unable to bear children, Al wanted to feel his mothers warmth again, so it took his body so he could never feel ANYTHING ever again, and Ed wanted to stand together with his family, so it took his leg to stand on and the only family he had left. When Ed went back for Al, it took his right arm, cause Al WAS Ed's right hand.

Christo Badenhorst

I'm so glad you are enjoying the journey though. There is a reason this is number 1 in all the charts

Viridi Harmonia

I actually noticed on my last rewatch (and saw it again on stream) that the Curtis show up in the background of episode 9 at the train station when winry arrives, and I admire that so much as a continuity thing


if you want a really fun 12 epsiode anime about like showbusiness and reincarnation i can recommend "ya boy kongming". the mc is a reincarnated chinese strategist from ancient china, this premise alone is crazy.


i Would like to second the suggestion "Ya boy kongming" its so good, there is indeed rap and most of all the opening S L A P P S


That's actually an error, not continuity. They reused that animation scene from the 2003 anime where Izumi meets Ed in the hospital there. In brotherhood she shouldn't be there.


Alicia going "There's letter systems... There's PHONES!" Just made me think of the infamous diablo immortal reveal: "Don't you guys have phones?"

james blaire

been 12 episodes and i be ballin tears lol


If you want an anime that's just fun and happy, I highly recommend Nichijou, if you haven't already seen it.


I think the on the genius aspects of FMAB is that just like alchemy, the shows deconstruct then reconstructs you while you are watching it. i don't think it's a coincidence that the episode after a death a life is born and then we have this episode where we learn about how that is all part of alchemy and life. The show makes you cry but then will I've you some of these incredibly beautiful moments.


Just wait until alicia learns the truth behind the truth


One comforting thought is if their dead beat dad ever tries to come back he gets to see his burned down house. Reasons to try and call your kids once a month.

Jonathan Canfield

Well the good news is you are about 1/5 of the way through the series. I am sure it gets happier from here on out. Right?

Daisy Azuras

This series is trauma porn.


Oh, you are correct. It is still a reused animation from 2003, but I never noticed them I'm the background in the manga! Good eye.

Bj Howe

Izumi is still one of my fav characters all time.


full metal both og and brotherhood is peak anime. cant wait for the next set


▶️ Watch this reel https://www.facebook.com/share/r/YZqrThbkYQJcZbde/?mibextid=D5vuiz


Give me more brotherhood cus I need to experience it again for the first time


god i cant wait till you get to episode 22 and especially 23....... there my favorites......


I hope she's ok, been a minute since she posted ó-ò

Aspy 130

My brain immediately went to oh god what if you tried that and it was a bullet ant. Like I cannot imagine the pain of a bullet ant biting your tongue, I winced from a fucking thought lmao