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Prison School Ep 3

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Oh no, audio issues on Fax


Faxityy's mic goes bad halfway through.


The underlying message of the show is definitely we are all human, we are all trash together. It underpins every ep. As Alicia said in second episode, everyone sucks dudes girls. All of us! But.. we are all here on this ball of dirt together!!! Hana still best girl though, everything else aside. She is a gem


Alicia, "Your lie in april" has the most accurate instrument animations. Charles Cornell has a great video on yt, about piano accuracy and my boys Twosetviolin made video about violin accuracy in anime and Your lie in april is there. You should give this series a shot one day.


The contraband, the buried treasure. THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!


the audio issues are unfortunate.

james blaire

gotta give glasses credit he dodged perfectly and landed on his feet and did a back flip to commit to the bit, i'm also 100% sure that man is a very small titan with the way he runs, im also dying to laughter i had no idea this was so funny lol im enjoying the binge was a surprise when i gott home to say the least

Daisy Azuras

Damn his mic went all crazy


if you want peak anime op it has to be domestic girlfriend