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Prison School Ep 2

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Ranginald Vagel

Always happy to revisit this series, it's funny every time


This show is hysterical!


Was that a freudian slip lol Dildo.. why that when its obvs Ants as mentioned Edit Hahah, and another one moments later😆😂🤣 Here to eff all the men hmm? 😆 Def not move on from that, the timing.. was just so funny & Good discussion there! Picture perfect rofl lmao wow And then the next episode.. cherry ontop timing for that lol


This series is the definition of a guilty pleasure. So many bad traits and behaviors on the characters but damn if its not funny.


I have not looked it up, but what I heard/understood about the Trump thing you talked at the end there, it happened in Russia in 90's...


It's funny Alicia says "... unfiltered, uncensored and uncut" and she's watching Prison School with censoring. That sucks.


I can understand it's easier on Azu. I prefer watching or reading anything the way it was meant to be by the creator. If it's censored it kills the way it was meant to be enjoyed.