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op 118 119

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Ranginald Vagel

To be fair they had Zoro cutting steel in non-canon filler episodes prior to the Mr. one fight. Guess they didn’t ask Oda lol

Golden Witch Beatrice

It will forever be funny when you say the thing seconds before it happens. The blender comment sent me into a coughing fit

MadMax 1513

isn't "breathing" a more accurate translation instead of "rhythm"


These translations are horrible at the best of times.


That poneglypgh we saw earlier was a fever dream. It was filler so it didn't exist. Oda has stated as much himself.

Connor Wells

First look into something used in One piece all the time


Dude, that fight was so fucking hype for me. It just amazes me how some of the early arcs in One Piece have incredible moments like with Zoro. He should be DEAD with all the cuts and injuries he got from that fight. Goddamn.


Whenever I think of Zoro, I can't help by equate pretty much everyone's reactions to Vegita's towards Broly in DBZ Abridged: "Oh my god he's so GOD ... DAMN ... COOL!!!"


"If Zoro was an influencer, half the audience would want to lick his nipples." Unless you're talking about the live-action Zoro, in which case that number is closer to 102%.


Also, now I can't unsee Zoro's mentor as Aizen.


Nami's fight is my favorite of the saga. There are cooler ones, yes, but the originality of her fighting style was mindblowing the first time I saw it. I also love how Alicia is trying to be funny and say what devil fruit can affect your intimate body parts too... Oda is WAY ahead of you on that front XD...


You mention that everyone else is fighting for Vivi, but their relationships are different, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper fight for her as their friend, Sanji has a crush, Nami has hopelessly fallen deeply in love with her, Zorro seems the most distant to Vivi, but he treats her like a crewmate exactly like the rest of them, and she's the reason why he's in this place, but the reason he's fighting this guy isn't about her in particular to him


I don't mean to be that guy but the fight between Sanji and the what's her name is really incredibly boring. Like it just drags on and on and isn't all that fun to watch.