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:3 binge time!!


OP 116 117

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One Piece binge hype!


Way back when I watched One Piece for the first time my only real option was to watch it online from an unofficial source. I think fondly back to Kaizoku fansubs. Regardless, this was an opening that was always cut out of the episodes. I didn't pay it much attention at the time but looking now it must have been because of the massive spoiler that is Robin joining the crew.


the funny thing sanji name was naruto but oda change it beacuse of naruto series the name came from his wierd spiral eye brow, so its ok if he use rasengan.


You missed the part where they mentioned Zoro met the previous Mr. 7 in the East Blue, who we met in the live action. That's so cool. And no, you didnt miss anything prior to "Pluton". It's new info.


This is the start of Nami becoming an almost literal weather witch. I love the fact that her fighting style is basically her preternatural understanding of weather manifesting into a combat style, and that her weapon would literally be useless in the hands of anyone else. It's another example of how much of a writing genius Oda is, and the first time that he's concretely making a promise that even the "support" characters on the crew are going to grow and remain relevant and useful as the story progresses and the power scaling ramps up.


And yes, I know that we did just have Usopp and Chopper win their own fight. However, that was a team-up fight and the theme of it was about perseverance and taking a stand for things that matter. Nami's fight is specifically about how the "weak" members of the crew are still able to contribute and pull their own weight even in combat situations. Nami fight is basically Oda saying that he isn't going to fall into the power creep trap of other series like DragonBall, where once vital members of the group become irrelevant as powerscaling keeps going up.


Opening 3 for One Piece, Hikari E, is one of those rare anime openings that is actually 1000% better in english.


Its really strange how they add robin into the opening despite her being a villain


I was doing to make the joke that Doublefinger was potty dancing, but after knowing she ate the spike spike fruit, it’s actually kind of obvious - spike in cootchie.


Probably a case where the OP at this point in the series is a major spoiler.


I remember someone getting the impression from watching this opening that Nami's main thing was being like a mage type character