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RM 6x3

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Lotus Gramarye

I get why people get weirded out by this but also I don't get it. From the Beth x Beth angle. Incest is bad and weird because it inherently involves abuse of power dynamics. It's like the one Dr. Phil episode of the couple who found out they were genetically brother and sister after being separated as kids and falling in love as adults. It's a little weird and unusual but nothing about it is inherently harmful. It is inarguably bad because they went about it in a very bad way. It's cheating because it's sexual and emotional intimacy with someone else without your partner's explicit consent, which no matter the pairing is bad. And it's why I'm glad that's what the show focused on. We got an incest episode without there being any incest and that's p. good.

Lotus Gramarye

To me it speaks volumes that the former is what most people get weirded out by and not all the actually unhealthy and abusive emotional stuff going on in this episode like the Beth's secrecy or Jerry threatening suicide if she ever left him. The latter in particular is something I've dealt with from the other end and it's probably one of the worst kind of situations you can deal with when there's a relatively equal power balance.

Levi Price

is any else noticing Alicia needs to mention she doesn't watch superhero movies evetime someone mentions superhero's


They might have originally been clones, but by this point, they're closer to identical twins, each with their own thoughts, dreams, and minds. Their bodies might have the same baselines, but that's about the least important aspect when considering who they are as individuals. So, yeah, this is more like twincest than it is masturbation or selfcest. In terms of Rick implying that he's "been with other Ricks", just keep in mind that he hates himself more than anyone else, and he's more likely to kill other Ricks than he is to fuck them. So which scenario is more likely? Rick C-137 doing something of that nature with another Rick, or Rick C-137 coming across a pair of Rick Lovers, and probably killing them? For Jerry "wanting to grant his permission", I don't think it was quite like that, at least, not at first. The betrayal was most definitely there, and he was perfectly justified in taking some time to himself, to come to terms with it while he was in his shell, whether he could hear them or not. The thing about Jerry is that he's not she sharpest knife in the drawer, and both Beth's are much smarter and much more ruthless than he is, even if Domestic Beth was on his side and was repentant. When Space Beth started challenging him, I think digging his heels in and playing up the Cheating card was the only option that he felt that he had that was available to him in his anger and hurt, then playing up the Permission angle once Space Beth introduced it was the only way that he felt like he could fight back against her, and it just spiraled from there, especially once he realized that all three of them were getting turned on by it. Finally, neither Beth have any room whatsoever to attack Rick for cloning the original Beth. He made the offer when she herself didn't know what she wanted out of her life. She, the adult woman with nearly grown children of her own, removed that responsibility from herself and put it onto his shoulders by making him choose for her. He initially chose to send Beth into space, as evidenced by the fact that he cloned her at all, but ultimately, he decided that it didn't matter which one was real and which one was the clone, he just didn't want to lose her again, and he chose to love them both equally as his daughters - something that he has demonstrated on multiple occasions.


“Dc has less of a rabid fan base” oh wow, you really aren’t into superhero movies huh? I wouldn’t touch DC (especially the Snyder stuff) with a 10 foot pole.


Sorry Alicia, DC fan base is way way worse a rabid fan base. I’d argue it’s the entire reason why their films have failed so spectacularly the past few years


You should at least try their animated stuff. It's really good.