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RM 6x2

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If you got a good pizza place then the crust is arguably the best part. Especially the spots where the sauce soaked in just a little bit and ughhhh I gotta stop or I'll go buy pizza, and the only pizza place I go to is not cheap


My favorite pizza place has a ghost pepper dough they use, it's not nearly as hot as it sounds but it's so delicious. Just that little spicy tingle.

Fejk Namn

Crust enjoyer represent! The crust is dope!


What is it about Rick's personality that would lead anyone to believe that "I Love You" is a part of his standard vocabulary? That pause was justifiable for an emotionally stable person, given the circumstances involved. Besides, despite his moments of emotional upheaval, Rick typically operates under the standard that emotions are meaningless weaknesses. Also, pizza crust is good if its soft and bready. If it's thin, hard, and-or burnt, then it's not worth breaking your teeth and spoiling your tongue on.


That "Imma be honest" right after die hard was mentioned... I did not think the confession would be about food. Thank god you have seen die hard.


18:57 I appreciate New Zealand being featured. Right-hand side, second from the bottom.