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:3 one episode ahead of YouTube WOOO!!

link just incase it breaks: https://streamable.com/9jwuwu


vox 2x5

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The lady with the orb is Ripley (from the dungeon in season 1) fyi. I doubt it's so much that she is on the dragons' side so much as she is against Percy and company.


Keyleth’s mother, Vilya, is voiced by Janet Varney who voiced Korra in Avatar, the Legend of Korra


Yeah, she's the one who tortured Percy and Cassandra when they were kids. She escaped right before the Ziggurat fight.

Joey Cat

Man I can't wait to see what other power ups they get! Thanks for the uploads as always :)

Joey Cat

I'm predicting that Grog is gonna go full monk, ditch the sword and become some kind of Berserker Monk...Oh shit that's literally a Saiyan XD


I want to say sooo much so instead I'mma just say HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


Im fiending for that 6th episode to drop


I can't wait to see Kyleth master earth and water so she can become the Elven Avatar

VJ Sins

When the Headmaster said "One of our own" he meant specifically the Fire Ashari, Keyliths dad is an Air Ashari, he just came to help their sister nation. And Allura and Kima arent even Ashari, they are members of the council of Emon. They just came because they knew Thordaks return would mean Pyrah is in trouble.


The first glimpse of the power of a Moon Druid. The power to be the elements themselves.


Oh my god I feel so dumb. I was watching that scene and thinking "huh, what's *that* supposed to be from the tabletop game? Maybe they made something totally different for the show?"

Scott Tyson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-01 12:34:08 Just wanted to say <3 ya Ant. Glad to have you reacting with Alicia.
2023-01-28 03:31:40 Just wanted to say <3 ya Ant. Glad to have you reacting with Alicia.

Just wanted to say <3 ya Ant. Glad to have you reacting with Alicia.

Andres Lozano

Hope she likes Korra as well whenever she gets into it. I really like it and hearing Janet I was almost tearing up (also due to how much of a fan Marisha is of both series)

Kelly Robinson

Y'all saying that Percy is your least fave is wild to me because he's my absolute favourite character in the first campaign lol No hate or judgement! It's just funny to me because I love him, like, waaaay too much honestly lol I understand that having a "least favourite" isn't the same as disliking a character. Like, Jonathan is my least favourite JoJo but that doesn't mean I don't love the elegant boi XD