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vox 2x4

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The vision Vax saw of the woman tending to the dying man was just a vision of someone who died in that place.


Westruun also happens to be Pike and Grog's home.


Now that you've seen the ressurection, maybe you'd like to check out the ressurrection part of this scene, as well? Liam's acting is brilliant and it's all improvised. Reminder that Pike Ashley wasn't there for this sessions, so could not help with the ressurection. Start at about 4:19:33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHsA0R_GovU&t=16269s


Fun fact: Liam O'Brian also does the voice for Vorugal (the ice dragon in s2). He's a GOAT for sure; there is so much artistry, expertise and craftmanship in this series.

VJ Sins

Just letting you know its like a jojo situation with the campaigns, its in the same world later in its history, sometimes more or less related

VJ Sins

The Matron of ravens is like the undertaker/death of the world, the ending scene was just a random couple and the husband was dying, and she escorted his life to the underworld.

VJ Sins

The guy we last saw in the Calamity vision was Purvan Suul, the previous champion of the Matron of Ravens. This was mentioned during the campfire before they raided his Tomb.

VJ Sins

The girl at the end was Anna Ripley, remember she lost an arm and now she has a metal one.


"Take me instead, you Raven bitch", and thus Vax began taking PALADIN LEVELS.


A good reminder for the man who just bargained for his sister's life. Death isn't negotiable, always.


BTW, the meme for Vax in the campaign quickly became DAGGER DAGGER DAGGER because he started being able to fling out 4 attacks a round.


So I was watching another reaction to this episode, and the reactor brought up an interesting point. It's a bit confusing how the Matron cut the tie going from Vax to Vex, and it's not really explained. Maybe what she cut was Vax's codependence on Vex, as Vax seems a lot more self assured when talking to her now... clearly the intent was to instead bind Vax to herself, but maybe she also did him a favor?

Sacher Blackstone

Hey man, if you need to rest. Take a break, don't push yourself if ya don't have to. As much as we love your vids, we want you to take care of yourself more. :( Also with your sister, it could be that it hurts too much to see you like that. I know it's a shitty reason, but I have delt with similar issues. I have spinal stenosis. my mom let me know that a friend of the family had to step out of the room we had been in. He was about to cry after seeing how hard it was for me to even stand up. My problem is minor compared to yours. I hope for whatever reason, she gets over it and comes to see you.