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WEEEWOOOOO! This episode is one of my favourites!!


JJ 3x31

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Ant's stand should be [THE PREDICTOR] he is way to good at predicting what happens in these episodes


im not excited for the next ep, it is rather line crossing in my opinion


Ant just has hermit purple and its telling him what happens next by touching his monitor


Part 2 dub Joseph would've been like "WHOA, HER MASSIVE BAZONGA HONGALOOS GOT EVEN BIGGER?!"

joseph joestar's number one fan

howd joseph not give more of a reaction to mariah i would have folded on the spot. dude is the most loyal husband on the planet

VJ Sins

If youre confuzed what Joseph did, he essentially waterbended using hamon, you know the thing Lisa Lisa did in her introduction where she made a pull up pole from water?

VJ Sins

Joseph would never double team her hes loyal

VJ Sins

There was a similar fight in part 4 as this, where multiple fights happen at once. The anime noticed the confusion from episodes like this in part 3 so the one in part 4 is presented more chronologically with literally all the fights happening at once and created an arc about it. (The manga was formated normally with each fight being a chapter)

Reiko Lupus

I can gaurantee that the show indeed changes when Ant says something. It's a completely different show than the one I watched! What a powerful Stand!

Youmu Senju

we're still in part 3, fam. no reason to be talking about part 4. them's spoilers.

VJ Sins

I mean is it? Im just saying they improved on a format. Lots of shows have a multiple fights at once trope


its been so long since I've watched jojo's, god mariah is a baddie


Ant needs to stop pre-watching. XD

Crimson Xero

I just looked up Mariah's age. She's only 18...