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Watch "AOT OVA 1" on Streamable.



adding to your comment about 'aw lore, info dump'(which I understand, it can be boring) one thing i will say about AOT is that 99.9% of shots, frames and dialogue is valuable and relevant to the plot. I find myself even on my 3rd and 4th rewatch discovering things that are like "wow" moments. Glad you watched this OVA, I was hoping you would since you love speculating!


If you watch my reaction the the series I enjoy dialogue. I don’t enjoy exposition for the sake of giving lore. It makes for lazy story telling for the sake of wanting to rapidly expand the world building instead of incorporating it natural as the show does in its regular pacing


very fair! i am glad you're enjoying the show so far! it's one of my faves


I always felt that the “info dumps” in this story were very good, partly because it felt natural but also because you’re never getting TOO much at once, until the end of the “mystery” when it’s very much earned. None of it ever felt boring to me at all because this type of story naturally facilitates a lot of questions, especially at the beginning. The creator Isayama is a master of slow-feeding information without it ever really feeling frustrating


Love how you sing intro song. JEEEEGAAAA


Yuki Kaji's yells do hit different. The absolute madlad supposedly also chows down on his own hands whenever eren does to get the sound right too.


Dang, I forgot about the isolated bassline from Call your Name they use in the end here. That's really cool. Freckled bitch hasn't been referred to by name yet.


Thanks for the episode , happy we get more AOT


Idk if you know this already but Erwin has the same voice as Jotaro


For reaction purposes, this is the only "canon" OVA and the only necessary to follow the manga accutarely, the rest are all optional and not canon


During the creation of the character, Hange’s gender was originally supposed to be ambiguous and left up to the reader. However that was sacked, so yes she’s a female.

Sven Hegenbart

"OMG Petra!!!! and that other face guy" xD Arent you jumping to quick into your theory first Ymir isnt the only person named YMir Second Ymir is just a teenager all those Titans existed before her


bruh she doesn’t know the character you’re talking about, they haven’t said their name in the show yet


I guess manga readers are more progressive than anime watchers?? Hange’s VA also sounds gender-neutral, she’s voiced male characters in the past that really don’t sound all that different

Alopex The Wanderer

Even if Reiner were a titan he can still like pretty girls. Bad guys have feelings too.

Christopher Thomas

To be fair though, this is an OVA. They're typically used to give us information or fan service that we wouldnt see in the regular episodes. So info dumping is to be expected in things like OVA's

Christopher Thomas

Also yes Hange is the gender neutral character, you were correct

Carter Skjerven

I'm pretty sure the mangaka said you can call Hange whatever you want, but I get it if you aren't comfortable with using gendered pronouns.

Christopher Thomas

The mangaka said to the publishers of the English translation to avoid gendered pronouns when referring to them, or at least use “he” and “she” with equal frequency when gender neutral pronouns cannot be used.

Rick Baron

Hange's gender in the manga is not specified, is not that they identify as non binary, it's that it's just not disclosed, the author says Hange's gender doesn't matter to the story, you can interpret it as whatever you want, but in the anime adaptation she's 100% female, the people adapting it into an anime have said they've chosen female