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Please do not DM (direct message) me. The patreon DMs are for people who are redeeming in ultimate tier only. Even then Ultimate tier can only message me about redemption and nothing else. It is not to talk to me casually. This is a strong rule in my community. Whatever you say should be said publicly via the discord general chat or in comments.

I'm more than happy to answer questions via public avenues such as discord general chat. But dming me isn't okay. I get a lot of you are trying to be nice but I hold this standard to everyone for a reason. Thank you.


Englewood Pony

id only dm you “get well soon” if u fell n broke ur hip grandma


I wasn't aware of this rule. And I'll promise to respect it going forward


The Rat Council must decide if you may speak to the Queen!!

E. H.

Fair. Not very friendly for those with language disorders but fair.


What kind of language disorder requires that you DM someone instead of talk to them via normal chat? The only thing I can think of is probably having anxiety and not wanting to talk in a room full of others, but someone with anxiety would be too caught up in the idea of being a bother to want to DM anyway. Excuses are just that. Alicia doesn't owe anyone her time and personal attention.

Dominic Smith

As someone new to your pateron, I have to say I was extremely relieved to read, for your own well being, about the very strict guidelines you have in place regarding a zero tolerance for fan DM's. Given I am not a content creator with your kind of platform, I would never pretend to relate completely to you regarding the kind of unwanted attention your position attracts. None the less, a few years ago I was working full time in customer service and took both enjoyment and pride in giving 110% making customers smile, laugh and leave with good, happy vibes. Just knowing I was putting a little something out there so that if people were having a hard time in their own lives, maybe for just a moment I could take them away from that, make them feel happy, so they can take a part of that with them after our interaction is over. Then came the day a customer made me feel uncomfortable. Much like yourself Alicia in giving the overwhelming majority of your fans the benefit of the doubt, I attributed no malicious or sinister intentions to the guy, but the fact remained that he believed we had some kind of "connection" we did not have, thinking we were genuine friends and attempted to get personal regarding seeing me outside of work. Again, I don't think bad of him and believe he had no idea how uncomfortable he was making me but none the less I found myself awkwardly backing away and wishing the floor would just swallow me up. Your a talented entertainer and I'm sure 99.99999999999999% of your fans feel privileged to enjoy and publicly interact with the part of yourself you choose to share while respecting utterly your boundaries.