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The Request Box for this month is now open and will run till the last day of May.

To participate, leave a comment bellow with your request. Request can be as specific or as vague as you like. Keep in mind if if you ask for something crazy complex it's unlikely I'll pick it :P.

 A few rules:

-Requests must be of characters form a previously existing shows/games/comics/etc.

-No OCs or real people.

-No shota, though I can draw older versions of younger characters.

-Females are ok if that’s your thing.

-I reserve the right to refuse certain themes, though I’m not very fussy :P

Thank you for your support! :)

If you're pledging $5 You can post ONE comment bellow. I will disregard any other comments for the purposes of the request box.

If you're pledging $10 You can post THREE comments bellow. I will disregard any other comments for the purposes of the raffle.

IMPORTANT: If you have donated more than $100 lifetime on my patreon and I haven't chosen one of your requests or art raffle entries yet, please send me a PM via patreon so we can work on that. :) 



Can you draw Zabaniya from Housamo?


I need the front view of that Majuub drawing you did a while back, it was sooooi awesome! That’s what I’m going to ask for this month reques box. Him in his jockstrap, maybe erected and fapping.


Kind of an out there request but The Frankenstein monster from the Hellboy comics would be cool to see smut of. He's got two huge bolts on his chest that look like metal nipples and all he wears are some bandages around his crotch area so he's half naked constantly lol


How about Buzz Lightyear taking off his costume.


Rocket + Ghazan


I'd love to see anything with Sean Matsuda from Street Fighter III.


Cells At Work has so many cuties, although my favorite is B Cell : <a href="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tLrJDpVIZzg/WmYcnzP6Y-I/AAAAAAAC96U/WSCedJ1nCJICV1geHNKESalTWv87nJpdACHMYCw/s0/5a661c9e862ae.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tLrJDpVIZzg/WmYcnzP6Y-I/AAAAAAAC96U/WSCedJ1nCJICV1geHNKESalTWv87nJpdACHMYCw/s0/5a661c9e862ae.jpg</a>


Can you draw Sam from stardew valley ? it would be awesome :)


Would you have interest in Oscar &amp; Qrow from RWBY ? There are some lovely scene in series XD <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1adkWk-_vYFTNQlScTM8tW_fJj-qgGf0m?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1adkWk-_vYFTNQlScTM8tW_fJj-qgGf0m?usp=sharing</a>


Marshal from pokemon Black/White!!


More Sean Matsuda please! Tied up and getting stuff done to him in the butt.