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Hello patrons!

From this month forward, I'm swapping the monthly art raffle for a monthly request box. It will work exactly the same way as the raffle only I won't be randomly select a winner each month. Instead it will work as a request box and I'll try and focus my work for the month around what you guys request there. My goal is to select at least 3 requests from the request box each month.

So, how does it work? Same as with the art raffle, $5+ patrons can leave one request a month and $10+ patrons can leave 3 requests a month. you can be as vague or as specific as you want when requesting a pic.

At the end of the month I will pic some of the requested pics and draw them the following month, making them available to everyone.

IMPORTANT: If you have donated more than $100 lifetime on my patreon and I haven't chosen one of your requests or art raffle entries yet, please send me a PM via patreon so we can work on that. :)


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