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[1/1: Pops, forgot a drawing was missing from the archive file (the Lucy one), I updated the 7z file now)]

Well, 2023 then.

Anyway, with that, here's the batch of drawings for November and December, all lossless PNGs. At least I managed to salvage the last part of the year thanks to the markers I got as a gift.

An invisible toast then: to the rest of this new year, whatever it may bring.

But I mean this, as I always say: Thank you all for your support and understanding. Especially through my worst part of every year as of late. It's been somewhat wild, personally and creatively. Thank you for being here with me.





Your work this year has been impeccable as it has always been Mostly, don’t stress it. I raise you a toast to 2023, keep working your magic, you got this.