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Hi Everyone!

Tl;Dr as always at the bottom

I recently went to my first ABDL event. It was a lot of fun we got dinner together then had some drinks afterwards. Naturally our secret comes up and it was just nice to have a voice that wasn’t my own talk about it. I saw this meme once basically making fun of anyone ever getting up to use the bathroom during one of these. I purposefully watched for that, no one ever got up.

One of things I asked people was how often they revealed the fact that they were an ABDL. I was surprised to find that very few people had even told their friends, let alone their partners. I eventually tell most people I become friends with that I have this fetish. If you don’t, I have a couple reasons as to why maybe you should.

First, I don’t ever tell people right off that bat. I typically wait a couple months to see how the friendship develops, and if it’s a good one then it usually comes up. I don’t tell them that I’m into regressing and acting like a baby, that’s hard for them to understand. Instead I frame it, initially, that I have a diaper fetish. I’ve found that people can conceptualize that way better than regressing. Because most people understand that fetishes aren’t in your control. Someone I recently told put it great, “it’s just the universe, there’s no reason or understanding as to why you have one.”

I’ve found that when I frame diapers as a sexual thing half of them say “cool, I didn’t know that, I’ve never met someone who’s into that.” And that’s it. Another quarter will come back to me later and ask additional questions like, “Okay so, do you like to use them? Or is it only on someone else..?” unless they’re a friend I really like and trust I typically don’t go any further. I’ll tell them that I just like to see people in diapers. The last quarter will come to me and say, “You know I have fetish too, here’s what I’m into…” And those typically are much deeper conversations about both fetishes and desires. Those people normally understand it at a level where I can express my desires to regress. They’re also the reason I think it’s good to talk to people about this in the first place.

When you can talk to someone who understands this side of you, it helps make it feel less weird and taboo. It slowly converts it from this secret you may not like about yourself, to accepting that it is just a part of yourself. It’s not wrong to have it. You didn’t ask for it. And it’s not that weird in the end. Having those human connections really helps. It becomes a healthier connection with yourself, and therefore a better feeling when you regress or act in it.

I made a friend here and slowly we did the dance of telling each other our secrets. When I told her that I was into diapers, she told me about how for over a decade she experienced bowel incontinence due to a tail bone procedure. She’d never told anyone. Months later she came back to me and thanked me for talking about it because it helped heal that part of her. We were drunk a couple weeks ago. I made a joke about how we both wear diapers. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I like to periodically shit myself in short bursts too.”

I’m not saying to scream it from the roof tops. There’s a certain way of bringing it up naturally that I think you just have to learn with time. But I think it’s worth it. It tells the story of who you are. And it helps normalize it in the general population. Just my two cents!

The second part of this post is about my writing. As the title suggests, I will be lowering prices. I’ve thought a lot about this. I have been producing a good amount of writing the past couple months. January, I wrote around 20 pages, and December it was 18. That’s a lot. I could have broken that up into a bunch of 3 page captions, and 5 page chapters, but it ended up being two chapters and a caption. All of which I’m proud of quality-wise.

There’s been shift in how I write over the past two years. Instead of producing a lot, and some of which I don’t think was my best, I focus only on one or two stories at a time. I like spending the whole month thinking about it. Really diving deep into the characters and how they’re going to react to things. As well as the long-term story itself.

So my writing style has shifted to longer-term. At the same time I’m doing this whole PhD thing. I’ve made an incredible discovery in the field of atmospheric science last month. People I don’t even know have contacted me and congratulated me. Basically, it’s a new understanding on how clouds produce precipitation. So that’s been taking up a lot of time to write and publish.

The bottom line though is that you all pay me a certain amount a month to produce ABDL content. I take that extremely seriously. Just as how you pay Netflix or Spotify to give you a service every month. Or how you pay Princess Potty Pants a certain amount to see her stories. The amount that I create should fit the payment.

I'm also just like you. And the idea of charging too much from someone who is also an ABDL just puts a bad feeling in my chest. This is supposed to be for the community.

I love the idea of writing a really good long chapter each month, trying to get a caption or two in there, and popping off an audio as they’re commissioned. I think that’s worth $4 a month.

It’s a deal, I think. Especially given how inflation has gone the past year. I may not produce stories at the same rate as others, but when they come up I can assure that they’re something quality and different than anyone else. In the case of Regression, you have a 100-page story arc. Ashville is already at 30+. I’m thinking that one will be around 70 pages by the end. And it’ll be an ending you’ve never seen before.

I’ve doing this for six years. Of course, I’ve thought about how long I want to do this. There’s a part of me that thinks I will always write. I don’t know if that’s true, but right now I have stories to tell. I know I’ll keep going at least through grad school. Which who knows I was told two more years but that could easily be three of four.

Let’s make that time count, and for you all to pay the proper amount for it.

Tl;Dr Prices are getting reduced to $4 a month. I’m planning to keep my current production of a chapter, and a couple captions a month. As well as audios as they get commissioned.


Cerulean Syn

I love how immersive your stories and audios get cause you understand and know what I want. Waking up to your voice instructing me to reject potty training is the most surreal thing. I found myself forgetting to use the potty yesterday while I was out and got home and had an accident. Never woulda done that before