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Faye looked curiously at the lock on the doorknob. “And it locks from this side too?” She thought, utterly confused by this door in her bedroom closet. She’d bought the house only a few days ago. The realtor failed to mention the apparent ‘secret door’ in the closet. She grabbed the knob and gave it a wiggle. It was locked.

“Hm.” She murmured, then pinched the lock. She turned it, hearing the lock tumblers turn louder than she anticipated. Her fingers curled around the knob again, this time, the door opened.

Behind the door was a pitch-black hallway. Which didn’t make sense to Faye given the shape of the house. Even more confusing, it looked like a long hallway with a doorway at the end. It appeared low and far away. Soft white light spilled out of it. The air smelled like wet granite. “How is this… even possible?” Faye thought, she stepped through the threshold, her feet felt cool stone. Faye was apprehensive, yet her curiosity had to answer what this strange part of her new home was. Cautiously, she took a step forward. Then another, until slowly she started walking down the cave. After a few meters, her head bumped into the ceiling.

“Oww!” She yelped, her voice echoed through the walls. The shape of the corridor started to make sense. The doorway wasn’t that far away, it was just small, and located on the floor. She had to duck her head to keep going. This time she held a hand to the ceiling. Each step forward the ceiling continued sloping down. Her form went from ducking, to bent knees, then completely crouched down. A bed bathed in sunlight came into focus beyond the doorway. It looked extremely familiar to Faye. As she entered the threshold of the small door, she didn’t believe her eyes.

“Oh… my… god… it’s… my room!?” Faye said bewildered, she peered her head through the door. A twin-sized bed, shelves, drawers, all pink and white.. “Woah…” She whispered, taking it in. It looked the same as when she was a toddler. Faye crawled through the doorway and onto her feet.

“I’m dreaming. No way this is possible.” She thought, looking down to see her clothes had changed to a pink long sleeve and light blue speckled PJ pants. She noticed her body felt different here. The muscles in her legs and arms felt bouncy. They felt perfectly relaxed but springy at the same time. Wiggling her toes felt fun for some reason. Her head didn’t feel any different. But she felt safe here. Like it was okay to act anyway she wanted to. Her wiggly toes wanted to bounce. She smiled and started hopping from one foot to the other.

Faye heard the door to her room open. When she turned around, the sight of her mother wasn’t what she expected. She looked decades younger. It was like looking into a mirror.

“Faye, Lunch is- Honey, is that a potty dance? Do you need to go?” Stephanie asked, pivoting mid sentence to the potty police. Faye looked at her weird.

“She doesn’t think I’m potty trained?” She realized, focusing then on the weight in her bladder. It did feel different. She knew there wasn’t much in there, but it felt heavier than she expected. In fact, the more she focused on it, the achier her muscles started to feel. “How funny would it be if I just didn’t tell her?” Faye thought wickedly.

“I’m good, Mom! Just playing.” She said happily. Stephanie looked harder at her.

“Are you sure? You just got out of pull-ups last week. I don’t want you going backwards again.” Stephanie said, her tone serious and in command. Faye just nodded.

“Alright well… come on downstairs. I’ve got your favorite PB&J ready for you!” She said, melting from stern to soft. Faye didn’t question it. She simply decided to follow her out of the room.


*Photo Wet Edited*

Faye’s attention pulled back to her bladder as she followed behind her mother. It grew increasingly frustrated. “If I just went..” She thought, the idea of just letting go for blatant relief was enticingly, but clearly childish. “She would be mad. Why am I even considering it? What am I even doing here?” Faye thought, her mind catching up with what was going on.

It didn’t make sense. This felt exactly like a dream. Surreal, a lot of the attention in her brain went to what was going on in front of her. Thoughts responded the same way. She questioned how it was possible. Yet, that question didn’t matter. Because no matter why, it still was.

Faye’s bladder started to hurt. She imagined the sensation of warm water spilling down her legs to ease it. She couldn’t recall ever peeing herself. There’d been close calls, but she couldn’t surface even a vague childhood memory. “She wouldn’t be that surprised. Sounds like I just got out of pull-ups here.” Faye reasoned, “… but I don’t wet myself.” She argued, expecting her maturity to automatically disregard these intrusive silly thoughts. That didn’t happen. Instead, the idea of just doing it came on strong. Aided by the pin-needle like pain inside her bladder walls. The hairs stood up on the back of her neck. Her face felt hot. Guilty pleasure grew. Faye stopped walking.

She covered her mouth to hide a guilty smile. “No way I’m really gonna do this.” She thought, feeling pee edge up to her begging sphincter muscle. It all came on so fast. She could have stopped it, but all of a sudden, Faye gave in to the smallest slice of relief. Heavy drops fell in between her pant legs. Her thighs felt a burst of wet warmth soak into her pants. The edges of it felt cooled as it evaporated.

She gritted her teeth. Her bladder felt that split second of relief turn to an impossible weight. The twisty embarrassment manifested into Faye sucking in the bottom of her lip and chewing down. Her nails dug into the waistline of her pants, pulling on them gently. Stephanie turned around. She recognized what was happening immediately.

“Faye.” She said pointed, “Are you doing what I think you’re doing??” She asked, raising her voice. Faye’s cheeks reached their maximum potential of red. Her muscles fully released. The falling stream blotched slowly, but quickly turned into a full release into her pants. Drenching pee fell down her legs. Multiple branches formed from the growing circle stain around her crotch. Faye felt giddy excitement ripple through her body. It felt so wrong to defy Stephaine right in front of her. That’s what made it fun.

“Are you- I JUST asked if you had to go. Look at your face. Are you doing this on purpose??” Stephanie asked, pointing at Faye’s still darkening pants. The flow had reached its apex. Faye didn’t say anything, she was trying, mostly failing, to hold back her greedy smile. “I can’t look at this.” Stephanie said, turning around in disgust. It didn’t last long, her face whipped back as angry as ever. “Do you want to go back into diapers? Huh? Is this what you’re telling me here?” Stephanie jabbed, that felt serious to Faye. Even though it didn’t matter here, she automatically piped up to defend herself.

“No!” She pleaded, as she dropped the last dribbles into her pants. Her clothes felt soaked. In the center where most of the pee had fallen, it felt wet and cozy. The streaks clung moist and cool to her legs. Stephanie just scoffed.

“Go upstairs and change. Now.” Stephanie seethed, pointing back where they came. “I need to clean this up before it warps the wood.” She said, turning around to grab a towel out of the kitchen. Faye stood there for a moment, looking down at the puddle her feet wadded in. She softly giggled before following the order.

“Ahhh!” Faye thought, relishing in the feeling of her wet pants. She ran down the hall, her feet landing loudly with each strike. Instead of changing, she got on all fours and crawled through the doorway. “That was fun. She was so mad!! I’ve never seen her act like that before…” Faye thought, she got off her hands and onto her feet. She felt her clothes morph back to dry jeans halfway through. She grabbed the door handle and walked back into reality.


Faye tapped at her lips. She stared at the doorway. “Maybe just a couple minutes?” She thought, testing her original reasoning. She knew the right thing to do was stay put in reality. It had been a week since she walked through the doorway. When she came back the weight of what she did hit her. Regretful embarrassment replaced fading excitement.

She hadn’t returned since. It had been a complex set of emotions to parse through. On one hand, she’d never done anything that childish before. It felt wrong. The first and most basic rule Stephanie had taught her was to use the bathroom instead of her pants. To defy that in front of her mother wasn’t just wrong, it felt deeply weird. She asked herself numerous times, why? People who wet themselves show a clear lack of intelligence. If you miss the feeling to pee, then what other basic things can’t you do? Faye was a composed, professional woman with well-defined career goals. It was the reason she had moved to this house in the first place. Someone like that doesn’t spend their time acting like a baby.

But, peeing all over those reasons was so much fun. Faye had never experienced something like that before. It was right there, staring her in the face. Did it really have to be that bad? “I don’t have to pee myself. It can be fun just playing.” Faye thought, envisioning opening the toy box she spied last week and pulling out her dolls. She could play with them for hours when she was a kid.

Faye’s indecision snapped, she moved her feet toward the door, grabbing the knob. “I’m in, then out, I just want to play with my dolls for a few minutes!” She told herself, it was better than watching Hulu or going out with friends. This time she immediately crouched, turning into a crawl just as she reached the doorway.

Her kneecaps felt soft wood. Her mind stopped focusing on that and instead on the padding between her legs. She squeezed her thighs. It wasn’t significant, but there was something there. Faye stopped crawling and looked down between her overalls. She moved her right hand over the front of her hips. They felt papery padding.

“A pull-up!?” Faye thought, making sense of the underwear. She started connecting the dots, “She must have put me back in them after that accident.” She realized, the blushy excitement from the accident turned on. She remembered letting go, the warm dribbling down her lets. It was imagined differently in her pull-up. It pooled first before soaking into the padding.

“Dollies!” Faye thought, seeing the inside of her toy box. She dug her hands into the chest and grabbed at everything she could feel. She pulled them out, letting them fall and scatter around the floor. She started by picking up each doll and twisting their limbs to get them into a sitting position. Faye arranged them into a circle. The last one she kept standing up right. Sitting on her knees she started, “Okay everyone, it’s Faye! It’s stooorry time. So today I um, played dress up with my Mommy. I-I weared big kid clothes, do adult stuff! I even gots to drive um my car. It-it…” Faye said, trailing off from a loud feeling.

The pee in Faye’s bladder pressed down hard. It felt like holding in a rock. She looked at the door, the bathroom was two doors to the left. She dropped her doll, walking on her hands toward that direction. She clamped down, three drops slipped out, but she managed to hold it back. “Neh..” Faye groaned in frustration. She looked back at her dolls. “Is it worth it to walk all the way over there?” Faye thought, she stopped moving. “I can keep……” *SSSsssss* “….p..l..ay….i…...ng” Faye’s mind drifting into another direction. The intense relief dominated every thought. The pull-up couldn’t absorb fast enough. Pee started pooling in-between the leak guards. She cashed in on her reward, taking a couple clumsy crawls back toward her dolls.

When she sat back down her pull-up squelched warm pee out of the sides. Faye felt the now familiar feeling of a wet patch forming in between her legs. This time instead of it starting in the center, it spilled crescent out the sides. She felt hazy happiness frame every thought and sight. “A-and i-it drive soo fast! I went vrrgrrroo” Faye said, imitating by making her doll fly.

The door to her room suddenly opened. Faye’s senses came back sharp as a knife. She gasped, looking back to lock eyes with her mother. Stephanie read her instantly, her expression turning from happy to skeptical. Faye became extremely aware of the warm drenched feeling in her pull-up. Stephanie would flip. She made a knee jerk decision, bolting suddenly for the doorway back. *To be continued*



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