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From the bottom of my heart I wish you and your loved ones an incredible holiday and everything you want in the coming New Year. 

Thank you so much all of you for sticking with me this month. I know it hasn't been much. The end of the semester always garners so much attention. I'm halfway through my PhD now though!! I'm probably not going to take classes anymore, and just focus on research for the next year. 

So I'm thinking I'll have a little more time to get out a consistent chapter, and a couple captions at least a month. Also audios as they come around. It'll be just like 2020 when I was writing my masters thesis on one screen and some story on the other. If I can't keep up that much output then I'm considering dropping prices again.

Enjoy the story! :)

Be well, with much Love,




Merry Christmas! ⛄⛄⛄