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Please note that after billing resumes, I will be stricter with word limits.

The number of words permitted for Comet is four, and the number of words permitted for Shooting star is five. Absolutely no more. Less is okay, but not more. In the past I've been lenient about additional words for clarity, but over time some entries have way more words in the prompts as a result when a simple 4-5 word rough guideline, was my original goal.

If your idea needs further clarity, additional clarity should be in your other words.

This includes brackets, hyphens, anything that increases the word count.

My goal is to make the rules more concrete, so it's fair for all supporters of the tiers!

Just a reminder that these tier rewards are cheaper than my commissions because they're supposed to be daily warmups, and as a result are meant to have a bit of flexibility. Please make your words cap strictly at the limit. I've been lenient on this for a long time but more words in the prompts have begun to complicate things where they were once more simple.

Thank you for understanding, and much love!! <3


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