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Hi guys!

Gotta keep this short as my time is so limited right now,

I've been in a constant state of sleep deprivation, injury, and having no time IRL over the last three months. Aryte will finally be home shortly though so I'll not be handling so much at home alone. It's had a direct impact on my output, something I was already catching up with after reducing reward tier slot numbers.

The Patreon will pause it's billing cycle for July and potentially August too. I'm not resuming the billing cycle or opening any new tier slots until I'm either done or at least, -significantly- ahead. I want to give you guys the best work I can muster.

If you keep your membership you'll be able to see daily doodles, etc posted for free until I turn billing back on again.

I'll make an announcement when the billing cycle will resume so nobody is caught off guard.

My apologies. I'm running on fumes right now and deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused. This has been one of the most stressful times in my life and I hope for your understanding. Thank you guys so much.



NightEyes DaySpring

I hope things get better for you and you can get some good sleep.


Do what you gotta do to be okay <3 artists deserve breaks too.


You have to take care of yourself first and foremost! I hope the time off really helps, and it'll be great to see what you cook up during and after!


Take all the time you need for you ^^ we can wait ! Your health is way more important ^^ 💛

Tamaska Kitsu

You need time to catch yourself up . Art shouldn't come before your personal well being , most of us understand that ... Take your time , get to feeling better. ^.^ hopefully this rough time will pass quickly so you won't be feeling so bad asap .