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Hi guys! I just want to keep you all in the loop, so here's an update :)

Obviously I've fallen a little behind this last month. I'll explain the reason why here, but if you want to skip it, feel free to go to the next paragraph! For the last two months I've been perpetually exhausted and haven't slept much at all in that time. Aryte was sent to work overseas and I've had so many tasks all to myself that we usually share. By the time I get stuck into work, or by the time I get to sleep, I'm almost always woken up to do a task. So many things need doing in my immediate life that my time and sleep have been disrupted. The good news is it won't be much longer though!

I want to do my best to catch up in June - I've done two months of work in one month before. However if I don't catch up please know that I will likely pause the billing cycle in July. I just want you guys to get what you pay for and provide the best tier rewards I possibly can <3

In addition, no new tier slots will open until I'm reasonably caught up. I hope you guys understand, and thank you!

Wish me luck though, I have to go spend 5 hours making 2 weeks of Merlin meals now :')


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