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Hi guys!
A few people have remarked recently that Patreon squishes images from their final resolution when saving. It's fine for viewing but for saving the image it's annoying, especially if you want to save an image that was made for you!

Here's a get-around I use when pulling old images for whatever reason that you can use on desktop!

On Patreon, open the image itself (Do not save the thumbnail) and click it to the biggest resolution Patreon will offer.
Right click the biggest version of the image and open it in a new tab in your browser.

This should bring out the highest, non-blurry resolution for everybody!
(Please note, dailies are not a huge resolution by default so don't expect big biggy big big piccas for those!)

Anyway hope this helps for anybody who was having issues!
Full rez can also be pulled from the appropriate Discord channels too! Discord doesn't squish. If you're a Patreon supporter and you'd like an invite to my Discord / Aren't in it just DM me! <3

Thanks guys!


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